Our Mission Is To Seed Health, Happiness And Hope In The Lives Of Families And Youth, One Home At A Time.

What is a Foster Parent?
Foster parents are the people who become the temporary family for children in need. They believe that children are worthy of their best efforts every day. Most Foster Parents are married but there are single foster parents too.
Benefits of being a Foster Parent?
- Unique opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child
- Subsidizes your income
- Opportunity to give back to your community
- Helps to expand your family
- Opportunity to share your morals & values
- Cures empty nest syndrome
Foster parenting is a commitment to help a child and family through a specifically difficult period by providing love, compassion, shelter and guidance to a child.
Frequently Asked Questions
Aside from the licensing requirements and the ability to meet the child’s basic needs, the most essential qualifications to be a foster parent are interpersonal in nature. Being an effective foster parent requires tremendous patience, empathy and flexibility. Understanding of trauma and healthy child development is also beneficial, but not required.
The timeline for becoming a foster parent varies depending how quickly your return all of the required documents but can be as quickly as 90 days.
We offer all required training to become a foster parent as well as ongoing training.
Payments are made monthly utilizing a “level system” established by the state. This system includes a component called the level of care which establishes higher payment rates for children who require a higher level of care.
Preguntas Frecuentes
Aparte de los requisitos de licencia y la capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades básicas del niño, las habilidades más esenciales para ser un padre adoptivo son de un carácter interpersonal. Para ser un padre adoptivo exitoso se requiere una enorme paciencia, empatía y flexibilidad. La comprensión del trauma y el desarrollo saludable del niño también es beneficiosa, pero no se requiere.
El plazo para convertirse en padre adoptivo varía dependiendo de la rapidez con la que devuelva todos los documentos requeridos, pero puede ser tan rápida como 90 días.
Ofrecemos toda la capacitación requerida para convertirse en un padre adoptivo, y formación continua.
Los reembolsos se realizan mensualmente utilizando un “nivel sistemático” establecido por el estado. Este sistema incluye un componente llamado nivel de cuidado que establece tasas de pago más altas para los niños que requieren un mayor nivel de atención.
Foster Parent Testimonials
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Foster Care And Adoption Contact Information
Houston Child Placement Agency:
507 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E. #130, Houston, TX 77060
Office: (832) 328-0104
Fax: (888) 367-9329
Program Administrator:
Tanya Bryant
Contact Information:
Office: (956) 230-3600
Fax: (956) 338-5688
Program Administrator:
Jose De Anda: